Using readers and writers to extract and load data.
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Hi allI have an FME Workbench file which has to do the following things:Ask for multiple directories via a published user parameter read two files in each directory which end in _changes.shp and _to_remove.shp AND are always located in a subfolder v1 in each directory.The transformers and writer after that are already doing what they should do, but I can’t seem to confgure my reader to do what I asked here. Is this even possible to do? And if so, how should I do this?Thanks in advance for the help!
Hello,I'm using FME form 2024 and I would like to know how to configure the software so that the Inspector automatically opens in a separate window after a translation is completed. I’m having trouble finding this option in the interface.Could someone please guide me through the steps to achieve this in FME 2024?
The Coordinate Systems Gallery is missing EPSG spatial references we use all the time. How to update the gallery list so that more EPSG codes are available? (e.g. anything on
I am new bee and want to generate FME flow which reads every day file from SFTP server and populate the datathe first half of the file is default then their is date concatenation with “MMDDYYYY” format and then suffix with file extensioni use datetimestamper transformer and found the date but when pass that date to FeatureReader in Dataset with “default text”@Value(_Date) , it does not generate the fileCan someone help with if their is any example which can provide me guidance on how to set auto filenames
I have a field that contains values with parentheses, like (0601310951181134359628), and I would like to remove them. The parentheses always appear once at the beginning and once at the end of the field.I am currently able to achieve this using two StringReplacer transformers, each removing one parenthesis. However, I would like to do it in one step. I tried the recommended regex expressions from previous posts, but none of them worked.Any suggestions?
Hi all, I want to update certain attributes in a DWG block. To the left where it says "test" I have updated an attribute. However FME writes out duplicate blocks and the new one is also bigger than the original. Is there a way to update attributes and write the changes to a DWG without touching anything else? Thanks! /Jacob
I have tiff file that I have been provided when I run it through FME Workbench 2024.2 to create a mbtiles package, I get this strange black background, I assume it is the defulat tile for the area. The orginal tiff only occupies the extent of what you see in the map itself below. So the conversion is tacking on this huge black boundary. Any ideas on how I make it not do that? I have included a screen shot of my settings below. Thanks for any ideas!!
j'ai un fichier dgn contenant les câbles de type polyligne avec leurs extrémités. -je veux extraire les câbles et les convertire en shapefile (.shp) avec les noms des extrémités.???