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Last earned badges

  • sunwin2ink has unlocked a badge
    English Speaker
    English Speaker

    For users who are able to communicate in English

  • erivero has unlocked a badge
    Student (Grey)
    Student (Grey)

    There is no such thing as a bad question! The desire to learn is all you need in order to post a question to the FME Community. Your curiosity is recognized at various levels, depending on how many questions you ask.

  • erivero has unlocked a badge
    Teacher (Grey)
    Teacher (Grey)

    Good teachers explain, demonstrate, and inspire. Users who answer questions in the FME Community exhibit all these excellent qualities, and are recognized at various levels, depending on how many questions they answer.

  • erivero has unlocked a badge
    Welcome Back
    Welcome Back

    Welcome home. We're so glad to see you again after such a long time.

  • arodriguez has unlocked a badge
    Student (Grey)
    Student (Grey)

    There is no such thing as a bad question! The desire to learn is all you need in order to post a question to the FME Community. Your curiosity is recognized at various levels, depending on how many questions you ask.

  • michelle_va21 has unlocked a badge
    Welcome Back
    Welcome Back

    Welcome home. We're so glad to see you again after such a long time.

  • michelle_va21 has unlocked a badge
    FME Form Basic Training
    FME Form Basic Training

    A badge to recognize completing the FME Form Basic learning path on the FME Academy

  • nbrunner has unlocked a badge
    FME Form Basic Training
    FME Form Basic Training

    A badge to recognize completing the FME Form Basic learning path on the FME Academy

  • danraleigh has unlocked a badge
    FME Form Basic Training
    FME Form Basic Training

    A badge to recognize completing the FME Form Basic learning path on the FME Academy

  • phsakel has unlocked a badge
    Integrate Data with the FME Platform Training
    Integrate Data with the FME Platform Training

    A badge to recognize completing the Integrate Data with the FME Platform learning path on the FME Academy