Using readers and writers to extract and load data.
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Hi, I have a Civil 3D CAD model and need to extract information from the Drawing Settings. However, the available data comes from the Drawing Units window instead, which can be very different from what’s in the Drawing Settings  Â
Does writing to a MapInfo Extended TAB format take longer than to a MapInfo TAB ? Just wanted to check with the community if this is a known/expected behaviour with writing data to MapInfo Extended TAB and also if there are workarounds to quicken the writing process.Although I have experienced FME 2017 take considerably longer time to write a MapInfo Extended TAB for polygon data that is about 1.2 million in count, I failed to take note of the actual time it took, from the log. I do have a stat for a much smaller dataset, that of 1500 polygons and it took about 14 minutes to write to a MapInfo Extended TAB
Hi! I have a new question today. I want to create centerlines on highways. Now, long lines, without intersections, work fine. However, i get wrong results when fme encounters a intersection, like in the pictures below. I expected this and tried to solve it, but it only became worse.  Does anyone know a right way to do it? Thanks in advance!   Â
Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Reader now fails to connect post upgrade to 2020.1. It worked with 2020.0. We are getting this error: Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Reader: Failed to connect using Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server. Provider error '(-2146824582) Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed.'. - is there something we need to install?
I have got some beautiful Excel templates containing tables (not normal ranges). It's quite easy to write to a named range within Excel but I haven't figured out how to write to a Table. Does anyone know how to do so?
I’m trying to upload a raster to Mapbox, but no matter what I do, the output file always turns the nodata cells to black. I have tried fixing this using RasterBandNodataSetter and RasterPaletteResolver. If I look at the feature cached output from those transformers the nodata cells are still transparent. The issue arises when I use the MBTILES writer. No matter what, it writes nodata as black. I also tried removing the nodata (RasterBandNodataRemover), doesn’t work. I have tried outputting the data both as png, png8, and jpeg. Does anyone have any other suggestions? Thank you in advance!
I have an excel file that has a list of addresses, and their associated license number.I want to join this to a geodatabase file to output any parcels that have any of the addresses in the excel file. I can’t seem to make that work. Can anybody point me in the right direction? I’ve tried FeatureJoiner and FeatureMerger and can’t seem to get any output without failure.
I’m using the Data Interoperability extension in ArcGIS Pro. I can’t seem to get a excel reader to add in. I’ll set the parameters, it’s not open anywhere else, it’s not password protected or anything like that, and it’s on my local system.   When I click ok to add it, fme acts like it’s trying to add it, but then just sits there and spins until it eventually times out.   What am I doing wrong? I haven’t used FME in about 7 years or so, but I used it extensively prior to that and never had this sort of issue.