Installation, product configuration, and setup.
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I have built a model, for making custome report in fmes html creator. I have added custom htmltopdf transformer as described in protocol, but not getting pdf. Also no errors showed up in the log. Do i have to change some transformer parameters? Â Thanks in advance for the help.
Since there is a limit on download I need to add a search envelope on my WFS and WMS import. I got this working in 2 ways: using the search envelope in the parameters of the reader or the XML filter expression. "<Filter>Â Â <BBOX>Â Â Â <ValueReference>Geometry</ValueReference>Â Â Â <Envelope srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::31370">Â Â Â Â Â <lowerCorner>159221.09606242698 220934.16757763177</lowerCorner>Â Â Â Â Â <upperCorner>160221.09606242698 221934.16757763177</upperCorner>Â Â Â </Envelope>Â Â </BBOX></Filter>"Â My question is how I can use calculated coordinates as an input for this reader. Since the coordinates of the bounding box will change.(I know it has something to do with user-parameters but I can't get any number in the expression or parameter of the search envelope.)Â Thanks
Hi,I have installed a Fault tolerant FME Server 2019.2. There are two Core servers and 4 engine servers with one engine each, no engines on the core servers. A third party load balancer take care of the active/passive routing to the core machines. When I look at the Deployment Status in the webUI, all 4 engines are tied to the engine manager on the active core host. The issue appears if I stop the FME Server services on the active core host to test the active/passive behaviour. When the active core is down there are no engines left and the only online core have taken over the Job routing. If I send jobs to the FME Server all end up in the queue. When I start the services again the engines show up again and look like they are tied to the now following engine manager.This should not be the case. The engines shuld swich to the active core when the first one is down. This behaviour appeared after an upgrade (uninstall/install) from 2019.0 to 2019.2. Before the upgrade the engines never dis
  Hello all, I am taking the Basic Course in Safe website and I am really enjoying using this fantastic software. I am doing the exercise called Residential Garbage Collection Zones and I do not understand the SpatialSorter Step (This is the link). The ExpressionEvaluator takes the TotalResident attribute for each feature and divides it by 5 (rounding the result), creating an extra attribute called GroupSize where each value is 109. The SpatialSorter, group the points in spatial proximity and create an extra attribute called GroupId.  What I do not understand is how the 109 value (which is the attribute GrupSize) is used to create the GruoupId. What the calculation the SpatialSorter is doing?Why if I give a value different than 109 in GrupSize, the SpatialSorter gives me more or less GroupId (5 or 9 for example). I see as the Spatial sorter is giving the right result, the calculation is absolutely correct but I cannot understand the calculation that SpatialSorter is doing. Thank you
After upgrading ArcGIS from 10.7 to 10.8.1, we no longer can see FME Extension for ArcGIS in the Integration Console as an option. We are on FME2019, build 19617.  We have tried installing/reinstalling both ESRI and FME in different orders, but with no luck. Both are 32-bit installations. Is this extension in 2019 supported by 10.8.1, or would we need to upgrade to FME2020?
Hi, this is not the kind of question one wants to ask, since it seems almost unethical to demolish a really lovely product, but has anyone ever had any ideas on a stresstest for FME Server? A workspace that eats every bit of memory on a 64bit system, or that fires new jobs every milisecond, or poking around diffent file contents on the harddisk? Put the FME Server postgres database under a ddos attack? Or anything else that tries to - respectfully said - 'break it down'?
Hello everyone! My company is looking into utilizing SAFE's Augmented Reality tools! We are currently testing the application and are working on becoming familiar with the process at hand. I am attempting to create a "mock" workflow using Mr. Dmitri Bagh's 'City of Coaquitlam' model as my basis. I created a small google document that will show a single buried cable that I generated in ArcMap. However, I keep failing at the end of the workflow. Making it to the 'bufferer' tool before the 3D forcer and extruder. We will want to look at larger datasets in the future, and I figured this workflow may be the best to accommodate. I have generated smaller AR models with using the methods found in the '3D Buffered Pipeline' examples. But struggle to generate large scale systems. In that workflow, I am also unable to anchor the gas pipe sample, and scale to an appropriate size/show at ground level. Â I will attach my workspaces. Would anyone have any tips
Hello, I am trying to find some resources on creating hyperlinks, but I've yet to find anything helpful. I have an input csv with URLs to a corporate sharepoint site that I'd like to convert into clickable text, then write out to File Geodatabase. Can you provide me with some guidance please?
Hi all,I am wondering can FME find a way to list all feature classes used in my ArcGIS Pro map file? If not can it do it with ArcGIS Desktop files i.e. .mxd? I am struggling to find a way to do this without possibly Python
My local Esri reseller in The Netherlands makes available specific basemaps for its dutch users. Their extent, content and coordinate system have been customized as such. But, more importantly, they are supplied from a different URL than the world basemaps by Esri Inc.The latter are hosted from, but the ones I would like to use as a background map are hosted from Background Map dialog allows me to either configure a standard web map service, like ArcGIS Online (in this case: The best choice here, I should think, is "Others".But then the dialog acts like a Reader configuration and I can only choose an ArcGIS feature service, which is not the right one for the basemaps.So, I tried the option "Esri ArcGIS Online (AGOL) Map Service" for the source, and filling in the URL in the "Map List" textbox: then I get stuck because credentials ar
What are the versions for the third party components used in FME Server? Database Server? Application Server?