A space to discuss FME Flow
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I have few handful of workspaces (consuming job submit and data download services) that are initially setup without any email notification. Is there a way to modify the published workspace in FMW server to setup with email notification upon job submit fail and donwload fail?When you publish a new service and setup email notifications while assigning the services, it works!! But i want to change the settings for existing workspaces.Thanks in advance!
Hi,I have created a longitudinal section as illustrated in the screenshot. The customer now would like me to change the direction of the stationing (running from right to left instead of running from left to right.)The basis for the creation is a 3D polyline. Is there any quick and smart way to accomplish it?
I'd like to publish a user account of an FME Server under my management, in order to allow some clients (Desktop users) to try FME Server quickly even without signing up either FME Server Trial or FME Cloud. However, I don't want to allow them to change password by themselves. Is it possible?
Currently, we noticed that the scheduled job in FME Server is consuming an extra FME license. This happens when the FME Script contains an FMEJobSubmitter. We can see that another fme.exe process is available in the Windows Task Manager aside from the other 4 allotted for the FME Engines. This should not happen.
We're currently testing FME Server 2018.0 - Build 18265 - win64, and upgrade every transformer in Workbench before publishing. Because of some Python functionality that require Python 3.4+ or newer, we set 3.6 in all workspaces under 'Translation parameters'. Everything works fine on desktop. On server, however, the Emailer fails with message: Python Exception <ModuleNotFoundError>: No module named '_socket' PythonFactory failed to load python symbol `Emailer.Emailer' Factory proxy not initialized Most other transformers work well on server with 3.6+ set in the workspace, but in order to get Emailer to work, we have to switch back to 2.7.
I have a lot of scripts that all write to point feature classes in a 10.4.1 SDE Database in SQL Server 2012. The source comes from one of 3 databases types, SQL 2012, SQL 2014, or Oracle 11G. They all are the same as far as errors go so either it's my SDE or FME itself.I even inspected everything I could and on a few I did get error while running and cleared up those small data issues, but they all produce the same error codes on crash dialog box I show at the bottom of this post when I close the Inspector app.I have tried to redo from scratch a few of my scripts but they ALL are crashing like I show below. I am using the latest version 2017.7.27.17725, I had 2017.7.27.17539 and it did the same exact thing and I thought upgrading would do the trick, but no.... I have redone all my readers and writers, fished through all my data and data types, redone queries, redone my writer feature classes in my SDE, and even filtered the coordinates to fit in the state because we are using UTMs
Hello,is there online service to convert data with FME. We need it just time to time? API interface would be appriciated.
Hi I have workbenches saved where I connected to Esri ArcGIS Server Feature Service however now they don't work and they used to. I suspect it is a proxy issue which is stopping me connecting but this is an existing link that no longer works for me. https://maps.npdc.govt.nz/arcgis/rest/services/viewer/utilities/MapServer. This is what I get in the log:he 'ARCGISFEATURES' reader was destroyed successfully'ARCGISFEATURES' reader was created successfullyCreating reader for format: Esri ArcGIS Server Feature ServiceTrying to find a PYTHON plugin for reader named `ARCGISFEATURES'Loaded Python module `arcgisonlinefeatures' from file `C:\\Program Files\\FME\\plugins/python27\\arcgisonlinefeatures\\__init__.pyc'Python Exception <TypeError>: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'unicode'Could not create Python Reader `ARCGISFEATURES'A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for detailsFailed to open the dataset &#
I am configuring a new installation of FME Server 2017 and have set up a reverse proxy for web access. I have been following this link which is based on FME Server 2015: https://knowledge.safe.com/articles/876/use-a-reverse-proxy-with-fme-server.htmlI am at the stage of configuring the email subscriber:Open the Web Admin Interface > Notifications > Subscriptions > Email_JobSuccess > Configure,In the Email Template, replace {urlPrefix} with {ResultPrexfix}.Under subscriptions I see:DataDownload_Email_JobSuccessJobSubmitter_Email_JobSuccessMigration_Email_JobSuccessI cannot locate {urlPrefix} in the data download subscription email template, there is however {downloadUrl} - do I need to change this?
HiI want to use FME Server to work with data from Database (DB1) and Fileshare (FS1) and transform them and place in Database (DB2) and Fileshare (FS2). All Source and Destination resources are located on different, separate machine. Do I need to run FME Server services (FME Serv App Server, FME Serv Core, FME Serv Database, FME Serv Engines) on such user account which has an access to all resources DB1, FS1, DB2 and FS2?
Hi There are 4 sevices on FME Server - FME Server Application Server, Core, Database, Engines. Is there any required order of services running, e. g. when the whole machine is restarting?
Hello!In FME Server 2017 when I create a publication with the directory watch protocol, there is a poll interval that let me choose how often I want to verify my path. If I put 1 (or any number) a hour or day or week, is there a way for me to know the exact time FME will proceed to this verification?If I put 5 a week, how does FME manage the verification? 7 days divided by 5?Would it be possible to create our own schedule? With CRON expression available, like in the workspace scheduler.I read this but nothing about the time : PollThanks a lot.