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Why is the Licensing Assistant picking up my floating license when I have switched to a fixed license?

  • 9 February 2017
  • 4 replies

I have recently switched from a floating license to a fixed license and the licensing assistant is still picking up my old floating license. What can I do to resolve this?

When you switch from a floating license to a fixed license, lingering .dat files from when the client machine last connected to the floating license may still be present - which causes a conflict for the licensing assistant. A .dat file is a local license file created for the client machine when it first connects to the floating license server to prevent the Licensing Assistant from popping up every time you start FME. The resolution for this issue is to delete the .dat files from your machine and then re-run the licensing assistant. The .dat files may be in the following locations (in order of likelihood):

- C:\\ProgramData\\Safe Software\\FME\\Licenses

- C:\\Program Files\\FME\\licenses

- C:\\Users\\Documents\\FME\\Licenses

- C:\\apps\\FME\\licenses

FME on macOS stores the licenses in /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/FME/Licenses/

FME on Linux stores the licenses in ~/.fme/Licenses/

The same issue can be encountered if you want to replace a temporary evaluation license with a permanent license.

In that case too: remove the temporary licenses from these folders.

If not the first read license file will show up in the licensing assistant.

When you switch from a floating license to a fixed license, lingering .dat files from when the client machine last connected to the floating license may still be present - which causes a conflict for the licensing assistant. A .dat file is a local license file created for the client machine when it first connects to the floating license server to prevent the Licensing Assistant from popping up every time you start FME. The resolution for this issue is to delete the .dat files from your machine and then re-run the licensing assistant. The .dat files may be in the following locations (in order of likelihood):

- C:\\ProgramData\\Safe Software\\FME\\Licenses

- C:\\Program Files\\FME\\licenses

- C:\\Users\\Documents\\FME\\Licenses

- C:\\apps\\FME\\licenses

FME on macOS stores the licenses in /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/FME/Licenses/

FME on Linux stores the licenses in ~/.fme/Licenses/

The other location that isn't listed is the 32-bit installation: C:\\apps\\FME\\licenses


However, even removing all of those doesn't seem to work all of the time. Where else might the licence server connection be hiding?



If you are encountering problems connecting to a floating license after a new floating license update, you may also get this same problem.

On your client machine you will want to search for and remove the .dat files in the locations @AnnabelleAtSafe has listed. If you also use the floating license machine with your user profile and are encountering this issue, you search those same locations for .dat files to remove them.
