Using transformers to modify data.
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It seems that in the iOS18 update Apple made changes to the HEIC file container that means the FME Feature Reader using HEIF (High Efficiency Image File Format) now fails to read the HEIC files.We are currently using FME 2022.2.Is there a later update that will support iOS18 images? Is there an alternative way to read in these images successfully?
Hey! I’m trying to do something that in my mind is very tricky, mainly because I don’t know how to do this. I have a table with bird “routes”. For some reason, each bird species is in a separate column, with a value for the number of individuals in that column. It can look something like this: In row 2, at one given location, 1 “Stare” and 1 “Grönfink” have been spotted. There are around 190 columns, making this table a bit odd to work with. To work with this data in a different project, I would like the table structured differently. What i would like as an output is a seperate row for each observation, with number of individuals as a seperate column. So, in this case, row 2 would be 2 rows, one for the “Stare”-observation and one for the “Grönfink”-observation. Basically, turning the column names into attribute values. Does anyone on this forum have any experience from this? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Cheers!/Alex
Hello everyone, I have an XML file containing the registered real-estate data and want to export it as an IFC file. What is the procedure to get the geometries and their atributes out of that file. As I have read, the first step is to use the XMLFlattener. But I do not know on which level do I have to flatten it (Elements to match). There are a lot of nested paths. If I select one path, do I have to select the paths under it? And this flattening process takes a really long time! What is the solution? I would appreciate your help.
I have around 340 .las files and im just truing to split them. As you see in the picture i have a fair amount of distance between these files
Hello,I would like to test a variable before running a workspaceRunner or not.if attribute ‘recetteCouche’ = 1 then running workspaceRunner ‘000_recetteCouche..’0’ else if attribute ‘ecritureLivrable’ = 1 then running workspace ‘0000_ecritureLivra...’, etcmy configuration for each WSR is : ‘wait job job to complete = YES’Please, someone have an idea ?Olivier.
When using the FeatureWriter to write to an Esri Geodatabase (ArcSDE Geodb) Feature Class why is there no option to use an Attribute Value for the ‘Feature Class or Table Qualifier’ setting?There’s only the option to use a User Parameter. I am trying to make this dynamic as the Qualifier would change depending on the environment I am trying to write to. The value I want to use is coming from an attribute. The option is available in the ‘Feature Class or Table Name’: Just curious why this format is set up this way in the FeatureWriter. Could this be addressed in future versions please?Version: 2024.1.1.0 (20240729 - Build 24619 - WIN64)