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I'm executing the following query
select 'PT' as TEST, sdo_geometry (2001, 9999999, sdo_point_type(1673919.702, 513986.296, NULL), NULL,NULL) as geom from dual;

which returns (in sql developper) a geom value of 

MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2001, 9999999, MDSYS.SDO_POINT_TYPE(1673919.702, 513986.296, NULL), NULL, NULL)

How can I add such query in sql executor so that the field geom will be considered as the geometry of the feature?



Rigth now there is no 'geometry' in the inspector 




Make sure you set the parameter to use the result geometry.

And if the source of the workspace is also Oracle, remove the oracle_ attributes as some of the (oracle_type and oracle_geometry) will indicate the type of geometry being oracle_null (= no geometry)..

This is a link to the transformer document SqlExecutor

I assume you have the format set to Oracle Spatial Object or else it will not recognize a geometry.
