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Hi all


I'm sorry probably my SQL knowledge is too less but I tried to append some records to an existing table postgresql but I received this error


Bulk copy failed on table 'Slist_ITA.List_StreetName' using delimiter ':'. Error was 'ERRORE: un valore chiave duplicato viola il vincolo univoco "List_StreetName_pkey"

DETAIL: La chiave (id)=(3554) esiste già .

CONTEXT: COPY List_StreetName, riga 1


A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

... Last line repeated 2 times ...


I attach also the picture of wb (very simple)



Thx for help



Looks like you have a duplicate primary key on the "id" column when inserting the new records.

If this is a one-off workspace you can manually find the largest value of "id" in the existing table and the use a Counter to set new "id" values starting on that value + 1.

Looks like you have a duplicate primary key on the "id" column when inserting the new records.

If this is a one-off workspace you can manually find the largest value of "id" in the existing table and the use a Counter to set new "id" values starting on that value + 1.


I tried to check if some duplicates are present but no duplicate but the ID is mandatory ?


I tried also to create new id with new values but always errror





Looks like you have a duplicate primary key on the "id" column when inserting the new records.

If this is a one-off workspace you can manually find the largest value of "id" in the existing table and the use a Counter to set new "id" values starting on that value + 1.





I recreated the id in the postgres table and now it works





Hi all again...


sorry I know my limit in POstgreSQL but where I can find a good tutorial to migrate MS Access DB in PostgreSQL ?


thx for help


