I’m trying to create an FME process that reads a FGDB and
writes the data to an Esri registered feature class stored in an Oracle
database. I have issues in finding the proper way of doing it using the Oracle
Spatial Object writer. The trouble is caused by the OBJECTID: how to populate
tried using an SQL statement (Overrides Feature Operation) like
:COL1, :COL2)
With this approach the OBJECTID column gets populated but I’m
failing in writing the geometry (the geometry in Oracle is stored as
SDO_GEOMETRY). As a workaround I’ve defined another process using the same writer
to update the geometry column only (Feature Operation = Updated instead of
using the SQL Statement Overrides Feature Operation option).
Is there a way of doing this in one step only?
I know it can be done by using Esri Geodatabase (ArcSDE
Geodb) writer but for some reason the process takes about 20 minutes in
comparison with the 3 minutes of the first scenario and, on top of that, the feature class
created loads slower in ArcMap.