Hi there,
I'm working on a project where I need to identify the running slope of various segments of a pedestrian network. I've calculated the slope along the different route segments, but would like to know whether the segments correspond to an upward or downward slope.
Specifically, I'm hoping to create four fields to track whether a route segment is above or below a specific slope value and whether that slope corresponds to an ascending or descending slope. The fields would include:
High upward slope: slope > 8.33%
Low upward slope: slope >= 0% & < 8.33%
High downward slope: slope < -8.33%
Low downward slope: slope < 0% & > -8.33%
However, I'm stuck on how to identify whether the slope of the route segments correspond to an upward or downward direction. Does anyone have any ideas how to approach this problem?
I uploaded my current workspace in three consecutive segments so that all my steps are visible.The end product for this project would look something like the image attached below.