Hi, Im using an XML templates with a geometry template.
I have a for loop and I have my positions in a list attribute.
Whenever I use the variable for the indices fme:get-attribute("_Positions{$i}.y") I get no results but if I use the same value that is in $i it works, I don't understand why I'm getting no results.
Here's the GEOM template with some extra rows added for testing that value 0 exists.
for $i in (0 to (xs:integer({fme:get-attribute("_element_count")})-1))
return {
Heres the results that prove the list attributes has a value to get
So when Seq_No is 1 then $i must be 0 so Im expecting the same results here from
fme:get-attribute("_Positions{$i}.y") and
Im not sure why the 1st returns no value but the second does.
Can anyone see what I'm missing?