Hey @ivanvdn94 take a look at this other community post which has some explanation on how to do the same: https://community.safe.com/s/question/0D54Q000080hWRhSAM/creating-a-line-between-two-nearest-points
You'll likely want to find the nearest point to each point using the NeighborFinder and then use a VertexCreator to create the line feature from the two points.
I guess there are multiple ways of solving this, here's one suggestion:
1 - If you want to segment the data at fixed intervals along the line you can divide the line with a Chopper (Mode: By Length).
2 - If you create a topology of this with TopologyBuilder you get a direction angle of the line in each node.
3 - Use the Offsetter to create points at a suitable distance from the line at a right angle.
4 - Use LineBuilder (grouped by node ID) to create the perpendicular lines