Hi Danny!
1. What is the "long,weird error message"?
2. It MIGHT be a character-encoding issue?
3. It MIGHT be a filepath-issue?
4. It MIGHT be anything else...
Difficult to say unless we see a part or the complete log
Here's teh error message...
The clause 'TEST @EvaluateExpression(STRING_ENCODED,<at>Value<openparen>_length< closeparen>,Tester) < 8 ENCODED' within 'FACTORY_DEF * TestFactory FACTORY_NAME Tester INPUT FEATURE_TYPE StringLengthCalculator_OUTPUT TEST @EvaluateExpression (STRING_ENCODED,<at>Value<openparen>_length<closeparen>,Tester) < 8 ENCODED TEST @EvaluateExpression(STRING_ENCODED,<at>Value<openparen>INSTALLATIONDATE<closepa ren>,Tester) > 1 ENCODED BOOLEAN_OPERATOR AND OUTPUT PASSED FEATURE_TYPE Tester_ PASSED OUTPUT FAILED FEATURE_TYPE Tester_FAILED' is incorrect. TEST must look l ike: TEST <value> <operator> <value> Program Terminating
Hi Danny
How did you create your feature class list. With arcpy the content is utf16 coded, which you can force down using <string>.encode('ascii','ignore')
I came this problem across unraveling MXD contents when handling datasource, name, datasetName, definitionQuery etc.
Given more time I would have used arcpy to grab the list of feature classes.
In this case I created a list (tuple actually) of FeatureClasses in Python manually. I've triple checked all paths & spellings in this script so am confident there are no silly mistakes. Here's my Python script if that helps shed any light:
import subprocess # This is the path to the FME Workspace file you want to run. fmePath = r"\\\\pbi01wqa03.corp.local\\F$\\Test_ProcessData\\MD\\PEPCO\\fme\\State_Separation.fmw" # This is the parameter name that you linked to "Feature Types to Read" tableParam = "Feature" # List of Feature Classes to run. tables = ("A_Feature", "PHI_AnchorGuy", "PHI_Busbar", "PHI_CapacitorBank", "PHI_CircuitBreaker", "PHI_FuseBank", "PHI_Generator", "PHI_NetworkTransformer", "PHI_OHPrimary", "PHI_OHSecondary", "PHI_OpenPoint", "PHI_OperationsNotesText", "PHI_Pole", "PHI_PoleLine", "PHI_PrimaryConnectionPoint", "PHI_PrimaryMeter", "PHI_RecloserBank", "PHI_RegulatorBank", "PHI_SecondaryConnectionPoint", "PHI_SecondaryNetworkSource", "PHI_Sectionalizer", "PHI_ServicePoint", "PHI_SpanGuy", "PHI_StreetLight", "PHI_Substation", "PHI_SurfaceStructure", "PHI_SwitchBank", "PHI_TransformerBank", "PHI_UGPrimary", "PHI_UGSecondary", "PHI_UndergroundLinearStructure", "PHI_UndergroundStructure", "PHI_Vault") # Run FMW once for each FeatureClass. for t in tables: print "\\nRunning table " + t + " ...\\n" subprocess.call("fme.exe " + fmePath + " --" + tableParam + " " + t , shell=True) print "\\nTable " + t + " finished processing.\\n" print "\\n\\nPress Enter to terminate script..." raw_input()