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metafile\\.fmf could not be opened


This morning I worked with FME Desktop V2017.1.0.0 (b 17539). Suddenly I get a message:

Creating reader for format: Oracle Non-Spatial

File D:\\apps\\FME\\metafile\\.fmf could not be opened

I read in the known issues

We've fixed this issue for FME 2018.1. This issue was a problem with showing Oracle table list in the DatabaseJoiner.

Ik have the same message with SQLCREATOR.

- wich metafile FME tries to open? Can we replace this missing file?

- Is this the same error in DB Joiner as I also have in the sqlcreator?

- is there a workaround available (I have tried to create an new DB joiner and even copied the whole WS to a new WS and replaced all DBjoiners but that does not work).

(- install fme 2018 will happen in a month or 2, but I can not wait so long or I have to escalate this issue to our manager with priority.)

thank you for your reply

Best answer by perry

I've read the topic:

Antwoord door softwrite1 · 15-08-17 om 21:42

I was also having this issue in dozens of workspaces with Joiners to Oracle Non-Spatial except one. I found that by comparing the good and bad workspaces in a text editor I was able to find the Parameter for the Joiner that was causing the issue. I edited the bad workspaces by updating the parameter and the error stopped. See below for the Parameter to find and change.







Hope this helps someone.

Mike B


This is indeed the solution of the problem withe the error metafile could not be opened.

finally case closed. Thanks voor all support.

View original
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11 replies

  • Contributor
  • September 8, 2018

Sorry to hear about this. A few questions -- did this ever work with FME 2017.1? if it used to work and now it doesn't, then we can try to figure out how to get back to a happier state.

If it has never worked, then if you could send screen shots of what the errors are and where. It is possible we may be able to provide a short term workaround (if we know you are only using Oracle, for example). (i.e. we may ask you to copy some metafile to ".fmf"

  • Author
  • September 10, 2018

Dear Dale,

It Always worked with the 2017.1 version until last week.

I have this error (File D:\\apps\\FME\\metafile\\.fmf could not be opened) in all the existing workspaces.

Lately (3-4 months) this version is very unstabel (ie About 3 times a day the session will stop while editing and make a recovery file. Sometimes I get a message 'ERROR |Unable to connect to Oracle database, because the database environment could not be initialized' and I lost come connections to SQL server and rebuilding this connection does not work).

Unfortunately in our organisation nobody knows the reason why FME has all these problems lately.

This moring I asked my manager to install V2018 64b as soon as possible. I hope this will solve all my problems.

Thanks for your reply.

perry wrote:

Dear Dale,

It Always worked with the 2017.1 version until last week.

I have this error (File D:\\apps\\FME\\metafile\\.fmf could not be opened) in all the existing workspaces.

Lately (3-4 months) this version is very unstabel (ie About 3 times a day the session will stop while editing and make a recovery file. Sometimes I get a message 'ERROR |Unable to connect to Oracle database, because the database environment could not be initialized' and I lost come connections to SQL server and rebuilding this connection does not work).

Unfortunately in our organisation nobody knows the reason why FME has all these problems lately.

This moring I asked my manager to install V2018 64b as soon as possible. I hope this will solve all my problems.

Thanks for your reply.

Hi Perry, I looked up the fix that should solve the problem. It is available in our latest 2018.1 build. Hopefully you are able to upgrade soon.


Please make sure to install the right bit-version that matches the bit-version of Oracle Client you have. More details on this can be found in this article.


Please let us know if the issue doesn't go away after upgrading. Thank you!



  • Contributor
  • September 13, 2018

+1 on this issue with b18547


Edit: Solved by replacing the transformer after upgrading FME.

  • Author
  • November 13, 2018

Recently we have updated V2017 to V2018 64b.

Unfortunately I still have the error 'FME\\metafile\\.fmf could not be opened'.

This occurs when I use a Database-joiner or even in a new blanc workspace when I add a new Reader (Oracle non spatial).


I have tried all the other solutions found on the Q&A but without positive result.


Tomorrow I have a meating about these and other problems conserning FME (like OracleClient version).

I will suggest to totally remove FME from my desktop and to reinstal V2018 64b.

Is this the solution for my problems with the metafile-error?

Thanks for your help.




File C:\\Program Files\\FME\\metafile\\.fmf could not be opened

Creating reader for format:

Trying to find a BUILTIN plugin for reader named `'

Trying to find a DYNAMIC plugin for reader named `'

This FME edition does not recognize the `' reader. Please ensure that the current platform supports this reader, the reader name is spelled correctly, and that you have installed all required plug-ins

  • Author
  • November 14, 2018

@daleatsafe @XiaomengAtSafe

  • Author
  • November 14, 2018


I have a controller workspace with some DB paramaters. In it ther is one specific FMESJS amongs the others FMESJS. There are user parameters in the controller for DB user, service and password. 

The controller passes these to the FMESJS.

The tnsnames.ora on the fme server has the proper entries for this service. 

When I run the controller on the server all FMESJS run OK with the supplied DB params, but this specific one. I got the error 

ORA-01005null password given; logon denied

in one of the FeatureReaders in the targer workspace (one invoked by the FMESJS).

The log is below









 2016-05-19 14:17:05


 FME 2015.1.0.3 (20150623 - Build 15485 - linux-x64)












 2016-05-19 14:17:05


 FME_HOME is '/apps/fmeserver/Server/FMEEngineUpgrade.2015.1/'












 2016-05-19 14:17:05


 FME Engine (floating)












 2016-05-19 14:17:05


 Permanent License.












 2016-05-19 14:17:05


 Machine host name is: servername












 2016-05-19 14:17:05


 START - ProcessID: 8139, peak process memory usage: 0 kB, current process memory usage: 103644 kB












 2016-05-19 14:17:05


 FME Configuration: Command line arguments are `fme' `Region Processing Runners/delta_region_updatechangeevent_runner/delta_region_updatechangeevent_runner.fmw' `--FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_BACKUP' `/apps/fmeserver/Backup/' `--ORCL_GISSTAGE_PASS' `***' `--LND_DATA_PASS' `***' `--FME_SERVER_HOST' `servername' `--ORCL_CHANGE_EVENT_SERV' `DBSERVICE' `--CHANGE_DATE' `20151001102100' `--FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_TEMP' `/apps/fmeserver/Temp/' `--FME_ENGINE' `servername_Engine1' `-LOG_FILENAME' `/apps/fmeserver/Logs/engine/current/jobs/304000/job_304552.log' `--FME_SERVER_ROOT' `/apps/fmeserver' `--FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_LOG' `/apps/fmeserver/Logs/' `--ORCL_CHANGE_EVENT_PASS' `***' `--FME_JOB_ID' `304552' `--FME_DATA_REPOSITORY' `/apps/fmeserver/Server/Upload/' `--ORCL_GISSTAGE_USR' `D7_GIS_STAGE' `--EFFECTIVE_DATE_PARAM' `' `--LND_DATA_SRV' `DBSERVICE' `--USE_DATE' `No' `--ORCL_GISSTAGE_SRV' `DBSERVICE' `--FME_SECURITY_ROLES' `fmeadmin fmesuperuser' `--FME_MF_NAME' `delta_region_updatechangeevent_runner.fmw' `--FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_DATA' `/apps/fmeserver/Data/' `--LND_DATA_USR' `FME' `--FME_SECURITY_USER' `admin' `--FME_SERVER_WEB_URL' `http://servername:8080' `--ORCL_CHANGE_EVENT_USER' `FME' `-FME_ENGINE_MEMORY_REDLINE' `0.5' `--FME_SERVER_PORT' `7071'





























 2016-05-19 14:17:05


 Creating writer for format: 












 2016-05-19 14:17:05


 Creating reader for format: 












 2016-05-19 14:17:05


 MULTI_READER(MULTI_READER): Will fail with first member reader failure












 2016-05-19 14:17:05














 2016-05-19 14:17:05














 2016-05-19 14:17:05


 Using Multi Reader $Revision$ ( $Date$ ) with keyword `MULTI_READER' to read multiple datasets












 2016-05-19 14:17:05


 Creating reader for format: Oracle Non-spatial












 2016-05-19 14:17:05


 ORACLE Reader: Using Oracle Reader to read tables from database `', server type `ORACLE8i', server name `DBSERVICE', user name `FME', password `***'












 2016-05-19 14:17:05


 ORACLE Reader: Using Rich geometry.












 2016-05-19 14:17:05


 Connected to ORACLE database `DBSERVICE'












 2016-05-19 14:17:05


 Using MultiWriter $Revision$ ( $Date$ ) with keyword `MULTI_WRITER' to output data (ID_ATTRIBUTE is `multi_writer_id')












 2016-05-19 14:17:05


 Writer output will be ordered by value of multi_writer_id
























 2016-05-19 14:17:06














 2016-05-19 14:17:06


 Creating reader for format: Oracle Non-spatial












 2016-05-19 14:17:06


 FeatureReader_3(QueryFactory): Performing query against ORACLE_NONSPATIAL dataset `DBSERVICE'












 2016-05-19 14:17:06


 ORACLE Reader: Using Oracle Reader to read tables from database `', server type `ORACLE8i', server name `DBSERVICE', user name `FME', password `***'












 2016-05-19 14:17:06


 ORACLE Reader: Using Rich geometry.












 2016-05-19 14:17:06


 Environment variable ORACLE_HOME has value `/apps/oracleInstantClient/instantclient_12_1'












 2016-05-19 14:17:06


 Connecting to ORACLE database `DBSERVICE' with user name of `FME' and password of `***'












 2016-05-19 14:17:06


 Error connecting to Oracle database: message was `ORA-01005: null password given; logon denied'. (serverType=`ORACLE8i', serverName=`DBSERVICE', userName=`FME', password=`***', dbname=`')

Strangelly it connects to DB at line 46 in the log but this is not in a feature reader, but is a normal reader.

All reader are using the fame user/pass for the DB.

What might the problem be?

perry wrote:

@daleatsafe @XiaomengAtSafe

I still have the same problems with V2018 64b.

Replacing a joiner and even create a new blanc workspace will generate the same error.

I explicit started OracleClientV11 with FMEV2018 but all the same.

Will completely remove all files FME and then reinstall V2018 solve the problem?

OracleClient version 32b vs 64b on the same environment is no problem for FME?

I have a meeting in 1 hour, do you have suggestions?

thnks, Perry


Oracle client libraries (e.g. oci.dll) could not be loaded. Ensure that the 64-bit client is installed and properly configured, and the PATH environment variable includes the file path to your Oracle client. Refer to for more information


Creating reader for format: Oracle Non-Spatial

File C:\\Program Files\\FME\\metafile\\.fmf could not be opened

Creating reader for format:

Trying to find a BUILTIN plugin for reader named `'

Trying to find a DYNAMIC plugin for reader named `'

This FME edition does not recognize the `' reader. Please ensure that the current platform supports this reader, the reader name is spelled correctly, and that you have installed all required plug-ins

Hi @perry,

I'm sorry you're still experiencing this issue. I'm hoping to review your case with our development team to determine what might be going on and/or if there was something missed in the reported fix earlier this year. We are also working on this via the support case that one of our Partners opened for you.

It sounds like you are running both the Oracle 32-bit and 64-bit clients. This is possible, however, as mentioned in "Oracle clients for FME running on a 64 bit OS," please ensure that ORACLE_HOME is not be defined, and that the PATH includes both instant clients' installation directories.

If it's still not working, then, yes, a clean install (as outlined here) won't hurt to try. It might be worthwhile downloading the latest FME version (FME 2018.1.1 build 18567) that was released last week.

  • Author
  • November 15, 2018



This morning we have removed all FME installations from my desktop(laptop).

Furthermore we have cleared the ORACLE_HOME variabels and made a direct path to the OracleClient version11 om my machine, instead of a symbolic link.

Finally FME works on my desktop and I don’t have any metadata errors on ie databasejoiners and readers or writers. (We think this problem was caused by the symbolic link to the OracleClient)



Unfortunately similar adjustments on our ‘workspace’ (an environment where many people can work even from different locations) will result in an error of FME while inserting a reader.

There are no issues here anymore about OracleClient version 64b after the adjustments of Oracle environment and the reader can find the metadata and oracle tables/items.

I have contacted our distrubiteur whith these errors and he will look into this matter.

He will consult safe about this error together with our technical specs. of our workspace and hopefully will have a solution.

perry wrote:



This morning we have removed all FME installations from my desktop(laptop).

Furthermore we have cleared the ORACLE_HOME variabels and made a direct path to the OracleClient version11 om my machine, instead of a symbolic link.

Finally FME works on my desktop and I don’t have any metadata errors on ie databasejoiners and readers or writers. (We think this problem was caused by the symbolic link to the OracleClient)



Unfortunately similar adjustments on our ‘workspace’ (an environment where many people can work even from different locations) will result in an error of FME while inserting a reader.

There are no issues here anymore about OracleClient version 64b after the adjustments of Oracle environment and the reader can find the metadata and oracle tables/items.

I have contacted our distrubiteur whith these errors and he will look into this matter.

He will consult safe about this error together with our technical specs. of our workspace and hopefully will have a solution.

Thanks for the update @perry! I'm glad you were able to resolve the issue. Yes, I believe your distributor has opened up a support case regarding the issue with your remote environment. One of our Experts will hopefully follow-up shortly.

  • Author
  • Best Answer
  • January 10, 2019

I've read the topic:

Antwoord door softwrite1 · 15-08-17 om 21:42

I was also having this issue in dozens of workspaces with Joiners to Oracle Non-Spatial except one. I found that by comparing the good and bad workspaces in a text editor I was able to find the Parameter for the Joiner that was causing the issue. I edited the bad workspaces by updating the parameter and the error stopped. See below for the Parameter to find and change.







Hope this helps someone.

Mike B


This is indeed the solution of the problem withe the error metafile could not be opened.

finally case closed. Thanks voor all support.

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