
Keep connection alive

  • 18 November 2019
  • 2 replies

Hello everyone,


I have build a FME workflow to "convert" an Oracle DB to a PostGis DB.

I have made some test with a small sample of the Oracle DB, everything went well (processing time less than 1 hour).

But, when I try to run the same workflow to the whole Oralce DB, which last more than 1 hour, it fails. It seems that my company network/firewall is closing the connection after 1 hour long.

I have contacted a network administrator and it will too complex to change this setting of 1 hour.

So, is there a tool/transformer/option in FME desktop to keep the connection alive more than 1 hour ?

2 replies

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@jul I'm not familiar with network/firewall systems that shut down database connections. Perhaps someone else can chime in on that topic. But if your network administrators cannot open up a longer connection time, then your only option is to reduce the size of your data translation.

You can use the Feature Types to Read parameter to limit the number of feature types (tables) read in a each FME run. So if you are reading several tables from your Oracle, and the tables are not related (i.e. not joins etc.), then you can set-up your workbench to read one or more tables at a time, instead of all in one job. You could use FME Server Automations or a batch file to trigger the jobs.

If you're processing one large table, then the documentation reference above has other ideas on how you can limit the number of features read.

Thanks for this answer and sorry for the little delay for providing mine.

I will have a look on the solution you gave.
