I just upgraded my FME from 2021.2.4 to 2023.2 today. My emailer transformers are working fine on my workbench that were previously there. I went to add a new emailer to my upgraded workbench, but I cannot set the parameters, it's stuck at Generic SMTP and no connection settings are anywhere to be found, so no host/port/encryption settings. I removed all the emailers from my workbench, then removed the emailer transformer from my PC, then redownloaded it from FME hub, and still no dice. Any advice? Build is 23764
@schulte.a Hi there, thanks for posting! I think you may have a duplicate transformer definition file (.fmx) of the Emailer sitting in your user Documents system location. Could you please navigate to the following location:
and check if there's a file called Emailer.fmx sitting there? If there is, delete it, restart FME Workbench, and try configuring a new Emailer on a blank canvas.
Let me know how that test goes! Hopefully it resolves the issue for you!
I think I have probaly the same issue than
I don’t have any emailer.fmx file in my folder “Documents”, only in the AppData folder.
I’m working on a windows server 2019 with FME Forl 2023.2.1.0 (20240104 - Build 23774 - WIN64).
There is a Python warning about instability on Windows server before 2022 version but my workspace were still working a few days ago with windows server 2019.
Same problem as gaetanpru here, just one error “Error running translation” but I don’t know why :(
Nothing found in any log file...