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  • September 30, 2024
  • 0 replies

FME Hub user martin_ekstrand just uploaded a new transformer to the FME Hub.

This transfomer is part of the ArcGISAutomagicDocumenter series. It must be used together with the other transformers.

Outputs an index.html file listing:

Portal/Online items (currently supported: Layers, WebMaps/Scenes, Web mapping applications, Experiences, Dashboards and Story maps)

Standalone ArcGIS Server services - ArcGIS database tables connection

Database tables, if you only use the ArcGISServerServices input, you will get a report for published tables. If you also use the SDE_tables_metadata input, you will get a report for all tables in each database, published or not.

FME workspaces with an ArcGIS connection (reads or writes ArcGIS tables)

In addition, each item (no matter which item type) will get it's own HTML report listing all connections found in both directions. For example, a report of a Web Map will show which services it uses and which tables those services uses. It will also show which applications it is being used in.

These HTML files can be written to an IIS, or simply to a network shared folder with proper permissions set. Or even more simply, to a folder on your desktop. When outputing to a folder, you can just add a browser bookmark to the index.html file.

Note: standard usage for Enterprise is to use ArcGISServerServices input (needed for database table connections) and all the Portal related inputs (needed for the Enterprise connections). SDE_tables

_metadata and FMEFlowWorkspaces are optional

Standard usage for ArcGIS Online is to use the Portal related inputs only

Sample workflow for the ArcGISAutomagicDocumenter series can be found here

Would you like to know more? Click here to find out more details!
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