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Apologies for this very simple question, but I don't seem to be getting a Help tab in my 2015.0 Desktop. From a previous version (2012?), I seem to recall that when you selected a Transformer in the Transformer Gallery, a Help tab/box would show you the basic instructions for that transformer. However, I can no longer see it. And when I select View --> Windows --> Help, I can switch on/off any of those windows, except Help. I can tick it and untick it but nothing happens.


Could it be that it is an undocked window, which sits outside my screen boundaries? If so, how can I get it back in view, so i can dock it?



(Note I can still access the FME online help, it's just this window within Desktop that seems to have gone)



Fingers crossed there is a very simple solution...
I have been playing with my screen resolution and window sizes, and it has now appeared as a small undocked window! I shall blame Microsoft...
