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I have clipped point clouds of buildings and I would like to calculate the maximum height from these point clouds, but without chimneys and other small features. Is it possible to retrieve more detailed point cloud statistics which can be used for this? I am not looking for the median of average values of the point clouds, but really the maximum z-values of the roof constructions.

Hi @erikjh, the PointCloudStatisticsCalculator and PointCloudFilter might help you.

Hi, I think you will probably need another dataset to help you filter out the points which are of the roof construction, otherwise some kind of selection within roof will be probably the way to go.

A workaround might be to sort the height values in your building and remove the top 2 - 5%. This will remove the chimneys but maybe not every small roof structure.

Thanks for the suggestions! I'm going to experiment with removing the top 2-5% of the points, so this may be possible.

I created this workspace a while ago, it elevates building polygons by a percentile (based on height points that fall with building polygons. It was designed specifically to filter out chimneys, aerials, etc. Setting the $Percentile parameter to 90 will remove the top 10% height values. Setting it to 50 will give an average.

Hope it's useful.

Thanks for the suggestions! I'm going to experiment with removing the top 2-5% of the points, so this may be possible.

I know it is too old post, but kindly did you solve it , if so may you post upload the solution


many thanks
