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I am merging an excel spreadsheet and an ArcGIS SDE feature class on a common field. Some of the entries in the spreadsheet have a "Strikethrough" effect--these entries should be ignored, however, FME is matching them anyway. How can I get it to ignore any entries with strikethrough?

Since the strikethrough is just a visual effect (like underline and italics), I don't believe that's currently possible using FME.

Since the strikethrough is just a visual effect (like underline and italics), I don't believe that's currently possible using FME.

Has there been any change to this in newer releases of FME. I have a similar issue where I'd like to filter out the strike through values in excel sheets.

@cws If you read the excel file with formatting you can identify those cells which have the Strikethrough effect

Tick this box in the reader

You can then test the .formatting attributes for the word STRIKEOUT

Thanks @ebygomm. Works perfectly.
