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I am very new to xml and when I want to open my xml file, I have a reader in navigator but no feature types appear. In log file I receive this message:



<R_1 Reader> - No GML features were found in the set of XML Schemas, make sure that at least one of the schemas is a user, domain or community-specific "GML Application Schema".


UniversalReader -- readSchema resulted in 0 schema features being returned


Reader Parameter(0) = >C:/Users/TEMP.GIS.000/Downloads/codelists-1.0-examples/codelists-1.0-examples/BuildingFuctionType.xml<


Reader Parameter(1) = >MAP_EMBEDDED_OBJECTS_AS<




UniversalReader -- readSchema resulted in 0 schema features being returned




What I need in my workspace is to have the building types and  their values for further work.



<dictionaryEntry> <gml:Definition gml:id="id21"> <gml:description/>


<gml:name codeSpace="urn:d_nrw_sig3d">1000</gml:name>


<gml:name>residential building</gml:name> </gml:Definition> </dictionaryEntry>


I don't know how to configure the reader to read this xml. Is there any idea?



Thank you in advanced!



Best regards,





P.S. the xml is located in:



The 'normal' way of parsing a XML file is to specify a feature type in the readers parameters.


In your case that would be : dictionaryEntry, this will return all attributes belonging to the feature type.


Check FMEpedia ( resources on XML reading, always a good place to start.






Hi Itay,



Thank you for your help and tips. <dictionaryEntry> <gml:Definition gml:id="id21"> <gml:description/>


<gml:name codeSpace="urn:d_nrw_sig3d">1000</gml:name>


<gml:name>residential building</gml:name> </gml:Definition> </dictionaryEntry>


As you see here I need just to deal with the information in gml:name. So I decided to focus on gml:Definition instead of dictionaryEntry. Actually I expected to have a list for name in my attributes (name{}). I tried different Element to match but in all the cases if I want having "1000" and "residential building" in two attributes I have in one row 1000 and in the next residential building.


For example I used "gml:Definition/gml:name/" (and many others) in Element to match.


Do you have any idea what can I use to give me the non/-numeric values in separated attributes?



Best regards,


Hi Mani,



When using gml:Definition as element to match I end up with a list (name{}) in which the attributes name{0} = numeric and name{1} = description are present for each gml:Definition tag (n=19 for the \\BuildingClassType.xml file). After that its a matter of copying them into attributes so that they are available downstream or using the list elements.



Thank you Itay for youre great help!
