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I've received an FME workbench from a colleague which uses an SQLCreator to read an Oracle Spatial database. I wanted to recreate the steps by reading from the database using the Oracle Spatial Object Reader, however when inspecting the same tables and features there seems to be no geometry related to (some of the) objects.

The weird thing is one table does show geometry, and others don't. I have also tried reading the database using an SQLExecutor as well as a FeatureReader and these two also don't read any geometry.

Does anyone know what might cause this problem/difference between transformers and readers, and knows how to solve it?

Thanks in advance.

@roetem At guess, the spatial tables created (perhaps using SQLExecutor) without populating the appropriate metadata tables. The FME Oracle Spatial reader would need these. The FME Oracle Spatial writer would ensure that the appropriate tables are populated.

@markatsafe Thanks for your answer. I'm not sure i completely understand your answer, but if I am right the metadata tables are not populated with geometry appropriately?


Is there a way to overcome this? Writing through the Oracle Spatial is not really an option because i have no permission to overwrite the database. Also, i want to review any changes in between.


Strangely one of my colleagues is using another software program calling the same database tables and he is also having trouble reading geometry.

I seem to have found the solution based on this post . When adding the Oracle Spatial Reader there is an option under Advanced named "Handle multiple geometry columns". This allowed the geometry to be read.

@markatsafe Thanks for your answer. I'm not sure i completely understand your answer, but if I am right the metadata tables are not populated with geometry appropriately?


Is there a way to overcome this? Writing through the Oracle Spatial is not really an option because i have no permission to overwrite the database. Also, i want to review any changes in between.


Strangely one of my colleagues is using another software program calling the same database tables and he is also having trouble reading geometry.

I seem to have found the solution based on this post . When adding the Oracle Spatial Reader there is an option under Advanced named "Handle multiple geometry columns". This allowed the geometry to be read.
