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I publish a service on FME server and when I run workspace as job using admin user it works good but when I call web service using guest user, it gives me the following error

@kseadawy do you have the same log from a succeeding attempt as user admin.

Did you run the warkspace as a job with only user rights ?

Can you tell us a little more about your setup ?

I had something similar happen recently connecting to a Postgres DB using named Database Connections. I ended up embedding the username and db connection parameters into each writer (I was using a string of FeatureWriters) instead of selecting a named Database Connection and it worked.

@kseadawy do you have the same log from a succeeding attempt as user admin.

Did you run the warkspace as a job with only user rights ?

Can you tell us a little more about your setup ?

This error occurs when using datastreaming service with guest user and also admin user but works good when using jobsubmitter service with guest or admin user.

Yes, I run workspace as a job with user rights.

what is information you need about setup?

I'm not sure what is supposed to happen using a data streaming service when writing to a database! It can't stream the database back to you. When writing to a database I don't see much of an option for any service except job submitter (unless you have a second Writer in there which is doing the streaming).

I believe @Mark2AtSafe is on the right path. You can see that the workspace is trying to open a database named "C:\\ProgramData\\SafeSoftware.....". I suspect that the problem is introduced during publishing at the last page of the Publish Wizard.

If you click Edit next to the Data Streaming service, you may see that the "Include Writers in Stream" parameter is configured to include the SQL Server database. This has the affect of setting the database name to a file path and would cause behaviour that resembles what you are seeing. The Job Submitter service doesn't have this option; the database name isn't changed and that is likely why you are not observing the same behaviour.

Try republishing and selecting only the datasets that you want to stream for the "Include Writers in Stream" parameter.
