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I have assembled table in SpatiaLite holding 30 million points of depth sounding observations originating from a number of vessels, each with a large number of files.


To keep some metadata about where each point originates from, I've kept the file path and name in an attribute called "filepath".


From the attribute "filepath", I need to extract a specific part which holds the name of the vessel. I guess it would be some regex in use here?



Example of the attribute's content:














and so on..



I need to extract the "VESSEL_Maria" etc. from the attribute and map to a more explanatory value in e.g. AttributeValueMapper. There is only 12 different "VESSEL_YY" categories, but a lot of different filenames of subfolders and files written in the filepath attribute.


How should I construct the Source Value parameter in AttributeValueMapper or similar?



you can use a StringSearcher like this:





You will then get the following new attributes, e.g.:



`_matched_characters' has value `VESSEL_Maria'


`_matched_parts{0}' has value `Maria'






Hi David,


Thank you, works fine.


Regex is very useful but a bit hard to grasp and construct for me.


More on regex in the docs for the next readers:



So far I understand it:


() - matches an empty string - look for something in a text.


\\w - looks for alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers)


* - Indicates zero or more characters.



How the backslashes in my strings are avoided, I am not sure, really.



Yes, regular expressions can be incredibly powerful, but they're anything but user friendly :-)



We avoid the backslashes since they're not included in the alphanumeric character class "\\w".



The paranthesis (...) is a numbered grouping operator, it matches whatever is inside it, so that you can reference it later using the "_matched_parts{}" list attribute.



If you want to learn more about regular expressions, I can recommend this tutorial:



