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FME Workbench ver. 2021.2.3, build 21812

FME Server ver. 2021.2.3, build 21812

Hi Everybody.

Sorry for my Canadian French, I try to be correct as much as possible in English, you may notice some errors on my part.

Yes, I know, we should migrate to FME Form/FME Flow. The steps have been initiated with our supplier but we must wait until the migration from ESRI ArcGIS Desktop 10.8.1 to the ESRI Enterprise 10.9.1 version is completed.



  • We maintain data that we share on a feature service hosted on ArcGIS Online with a subcontractor (different types, SQL Server, GDB and Shapefiles);
  • The address of the feature service must remain constant for the processing of our subcontractor;
  • The initial creation of the feature service goes correctly (an FME Workspace process launched manually for creation;
  • We must replicate the update autonomously on our FME Server (same version as the FME Workbench, 2023.2.3, build 21812) so that the data is up to date over a 72-hour period.

The update workspace fails due to two errors:

  1. ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: 'addResults' error for a feature in 'gocite_BATIMENT'. The error code from the server was '1003' and the message was: 'Operation rolled back.'... Last line repeated 2 times
  2. ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: 'addResults' error for a feature in 'gocite_BATIMENT'. The error code from the server was '1000' and the message was: 'Error converting data type nvarchar to real.'

Our gocite_Batiment data source does not contain a Real type field and the same goes for our feature service hosted on ArcGIS Online following the use of the Creation Workspace.

The structure of the FME Server part is already in place to accommodate the Workspace for the 72-hour update.

Ideas for possible solutions or places to validate that I am not familiar with would be greatly appreciated to adjust the update workspace.

If possible, I will try to respond quickly if you have any questions.




Can you check if the autonomous update that you run through FME server also gives the same error if you download the workspace and run it from FME Workbench? The usually makes it easier to troubleshoot for yourself as well. Unfortunately I don't really know what causes the error as you have already double checked your input data and your feature service attributes. An option for troubleshooting might be to try and add a feature with no attribute data to see if that does works. 


But mostly I would try and avoid the ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer and use a HTTPCaller and construct the call yourself. You usually need to also use Postman to look how an applyEdits call looks like and then you can rebuild it in FME. This way you generally have way more control over what is being sent to the ArcGIS server. Unfortunately it is also more technical and not as user-friendly. Here you have some documentation on the apply edits ArcGIS rest command:

Hello Birgit.

Even using the workspace on FME Workbench, I had the same problem. On the other hand, I validated my FeatureWriter and we found some errors, raised by a colleague who looked at my Workspace:

  • The Attribute Definition must be in manual mode and not in automatic mode to proceed without writing issues;
  • Certain fields containing area values ​​had an integer and decimal part separator with a comma and others with a dot, probably generated by a different separator configuration from a user who had configured their Windows to have a separator with period rather than comma while the default configuration is a comma. Often a problem encountered when installing the French version of Windows.To get around the problem, we published the area of ​​the geometry (ShapeArea) rather than that entered in the database manually by users.

The validation of the Workspace in FME Worbench (Form) was positive.

Once pushed to FME Server (Flow), I encountered another problem but this was quickly resolved. This was a limitation of ESRI licensing accessibility by too many simultaneous users compared to the number of licenses available. FME Server which requires one did not have one available at the time of testing. Subsequently, the recurrence tests began positive when choosing a recurrence period outside of normal user presence hours.

Consider my case settled and thanks for the comments! I will validate the possibility of substituting the FeatureWriter into a HTTPCaller/Postman.
