I am am trying to convert a IFC-file into a CityGML-file. For inspiration I am relying heavily on the intermediate guide for BIM to gis. Now when I am trying to convert the IFCBeam entities into CityGML BuildingInstallation however the workbench crashes and I get the following error:
Error running translation
I have to the best of my knowledge not changed the writer in any way from the tutorial except for the output-file path and the projection system. Every other geometry I am using seems to convert nicely.
I am unfortunatly not at liberty to share the data file. However I have copied the log into two files:
Log 1 is the log where I have disabled the beam and the workspace will excecute
Log 2 is the log of when IFCBeam is enabled. Which leads to the workbench crashing and I get the "Error running translation"-error
So my questions are as follow:
What does the error mean?
How can I solve it?
Thanks in advance :D