I'm working with (and constrained to) FME 2011.
I'm using ArcSDE30 writer to load images into an ArcSDE 10.0 raster catalog which we then apply the arcGIS Server 10.1 temporal slider toolbar onto allowing us to animate a set of rainfall radar images.
We're using FME to extract and load the images, which works fine.
My problem is how can I get FME to delete those images that are know longer required?
It appears that the arcsde raster catalog writer doesn't have the usual fme_db_operation capability which I was planning on using to send features to 'insert' or 'delete'.
It does have a truncate option, but that doesn't appear to work either.
Any Ideas?
Incidentally, why doesn't the arcsde geodb writer handle rastercats? maybe it does in 2013? I haven't checked yet. (however ultimetely we're looking at deploying this on to server 2011, and it'll take us a while to upgrade from this server version - unfortunetaly)