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ArcSDE Raster Catalog mintenance.

  • 22 March 2013
  • 4 replies




I'm working with (and constrained to) FME 2011.



I'm using ArcSDE30 writer to load images into an ArcSDE 10.0 raster catalog which we then apply the arcGIS Server 10.1 temporal slider toolbar onto allowing us to animate a set of rainfall radar images.



We're using FME to extract and load the images, which works fine.



My problem is how can I get FME to delete those images that are know longer required?



It appears that the arcsde raster catalog writer doesn't have the usual fme_db_operation capability which I was planning on using to send features to 'insert' or 'delete'.


It does have a truncate option, but that doesn't appear to work either.



Any Ideas?



Incidentally, why doesn't the arcsde geodb writer handle rastercats?  maybe it does in 2013? I  haven't checked yet. (however ultimetely we're looking at deploying this on to server 2011, and it'll take us a while to upgrade from this server version - unfortunetaly) 



I don't know if this is possible with FME (using the SDERASTERCATALOG writer), I'll let somebody else chime in if if they have a solution.



An alternative solution would be to use the ESRI "sderaster" command line utility, perhaps from a batch file or even called by FME.



There is an example on the ESRI forums.



Thanks David,



Actually i'd just had a similar idea to try a python call to arcobjects to do the delete, and maybe update the image footprints afterwards too.



I try and stay away from scripting in FME, it seems to go against the whole point of it - in terms of support-ability (is that a word?)  However I think this might be one of those essential times.






Can anyone from SAFE give an indication on their plans in this area (dealing with raster catalogs)?
Hi again,



if you're really want to avoid scripting and feel adventerous, you could probably also delete the raster directly from the database table using an SQLExecutor.



However, be aware that you will probably end up with some orphaned entries in the SDE metadata this way.  I do not know if this will pose any problems, though, so a couple of tests is probably in order before you commit to such a solution.



Thanks for the ideas David,



I'll try the python arcobjects method first, before resorting to such darastic action






