A question about how FME handles multiple spatial columns in the same record in an oracle spatial table. So say I have a table with 2 spatial columns, SHAPE and SHAPE_PT
So, Oracle spatial Reader, If i leave it with the Parameter to Handle Multiple Spatial columns to No, when I run it, it will log choosing SHAPE to hold geometry at runtime.
If I use a SQLExecutor using Oracle Spatial Object type, and I run it, at runtime, it will log choosing SHAPE_pt to hold geometry at runtime.
So 2 questions:
1- if I leave the reader to Handle Multiple Spatial columns to No, can I always be sure it will always pick the SHAPE column and not the SHAPE_PT ?
2 - In the SQLTransfomer, I do not see any option to handle Multiple Spatial Columns, is that option there someplace and I am nto just seeing it? Is there a way to tell it to use one geometry column vs the other ?