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What should I do if I have an idea for improving FME? Previously I sent these to FME's support team and they filed it in their internal tracking system, but I never knew if others had the same ideas or maybe even some alternative ideas and approaches. I really wish I could see what everyone else thinks. Is there a better way?

We thrive off user feedback!!

The best place to add your ideas is the Ideas exchange:

It's awesome for these reasons:

  1. FME users can vote it up and if your idea has lots of votes, we'll do it.
  2. FME users can collaborate on requirements to make an idea even better.
  3. FME users can provide alternative approaches and workarounds. Maybe what you want is already possible in some way.

Take a browse/search through Ideas and if your idea isn't already there please do add it and if it's there already add your thoughts to it :-D

I belive startup and shutdown script or even python caller needs to be improved

  • No DebuginG and Test env
  • No VCS
  • No IDLE env (customizsble and etc)


1- Enable to point to files (python) in startup or shutdown or even python caller

2- enable debuging mode for scripts
