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I am attempting to use FME to automate the process to create and upload data into our Socrata Open Data account.

I have been following the details in this guide: and other similar demonstrations from SAFE software.

I am receiving a consistent error within FME which states 404, 'User not found' when the browser login credentials for Socrata are provided. This error is generated when trying to create a new dataset and when updating an existing one on Socrata.


I have noted that the FME output states that it is using an app token which is different to the app token which is generated in the associated account. I have not been able to locate any options to correct the app token. Another user identified the same issue here: although understanding was that app tokens were not required for the HTTP Basic authentication which the FME writer presumably uses.

Any assistance in overcoming this error would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @edmund_hall,

That "User not found" error message initially made me think that there might be something wrong with the username set in the Socrata writer here, but if that was the case, then the writer would have returned a 401 error about invalid credentials.

As a quick experiment, could you please try opening a web browser tab and logging into your socrata account, then open a new tab in the same browser and go to the link mentioned in the 404 error: When I do that in mine, it displays information about my user account. Do you see the same?

Also, just to check, what version of FME are you currently working with?

After lodging a support ticket with Socrata they suggested trying a prefix of 'www.' was for the domain used in the login credentials. Thankfully the writer is working correctly now, however I had tried the 'www.' and also 'https://www.' prefix previously and received the original error. It seems as though the issue may be more related to how the Socrata API interprets login credentials rather than the writer its self.

After lodging a support ticket with Socrata they suggested trying a prefix of 'www.' was for the domain used in the login credentials. Thankfully the writer is working correctly now, however I had tried the 'www.' and also 'https://www.' prefix previously and received the original error. It seems as though the issue may be more related to how the Socrata API interprets login credentials rather than the writer its self.

Good to hear the writer is working for you now! Thanks for sharing what helped you to resolve this.


