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Dear FME Community, 


I have a FME Form and also ArcGIS Pro license. I am new to IFC format and also new to FME Workbench. I want to view and work with the IFC Files in ArcGIS Pro and later publish it as a WebScene in ArcGIS Online.

I do not have Data Interoperability Extension License for ArcGIS Pro. 

To achieve this i need to clarify below questions : 

Using FME 2023.2 and ArcGIS Pro 3.4.0

  1. How to convert IFC files to ESRI Geodatabase using Workbench ?
  2. Should i change the Coordinate system (Gauß-Krüger) of IFC files in order to view and work with the files in ESRI Geodatabase (ETRS89.UTM-32N) ? 
  3. Which coordinate system should the output files have in order to work in ArcGIS Pro ?

Please find the screenshots for more information.

IFC Files with Coord.System


Writer Format with Coord.System


A detailed solution with working steps would be helpful. Thank you. 

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