
Select tables to read from a SDE Geodatabase

Badge +2

I want the user to be able to select the tables to be read from a geodatabase. I added the reader using the single merged feature type. This gives me a list of tables for them to choose from. What I want to happen is depending on which tables are selected, it will output to a schema mapper which reads the tables and writes to a geodatabase. So, I was thinking I would want a tester but the tester doesn't have the ability to show the tables. Anyone have any idea of how this can be done?

4 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +19

After reading in all the feature types (ideally using a Feature Reader transformer), you could potentially use a FeatureTypeFilter or you may want to read up about dynamic workspacesimage

Userlevel 1
Badge +21

As above, if you use a FeatureReader you can use the selected feature types as features to read. If you read the schemas as well you can then write to a gdb dynamically by sending the schema and the features to the writer

Badge +2

@chris28​ If you include the source table name in the SchemaMapper, you can use this as a SchemaMapper filter. You should then be able to use a single schema mapping table. In this case, you won't need to filter in the workspace. You could combine this with a dynamic writer which should really simplify your workspace.

Badge +2

Thanks for all the ideas. I ended up using the FeatureReader and then the SchemaMapper which then wrote out to the geodatabase and it worked perfectly!
