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When setting up FME Server and configuring for Fault Tolerance, it's recommended that a fault tolerant file system is set up for storing the FME Server system share folders. For anyone who has set this up before, do you have any recommendations for how to create/set up the fault tolerant file system?

In addition to this, same question for the web application server and database?


I have so far found the below article for FME Server 2013

This is in addition to the main article and related articles on Active-Passive failover:

My impression is that the web app server, database and file system can each sit on just one server machine, totalling 3 machines for these components (in addition to the machines hosting the active/passive server cores and engines). The fault tolerance within this, if that impression is correct, is what I am not sure of.

Any flat files that are intended to be shared between the different systems in an Active/Passive configuration should be on a separate machine. You can use a NAS or a share on a different server. The filesystem itself should be fault tolerant. If one of the disks fails then data must still be available.

You can achive this by implementing RAID:

Each RAID implementation has it's own oddities. (speed/fault tolerance)
