I have a zip file (Ordnance Survey Strategi) that I am trying to read directly from the zip.
If I try adding it as a new shapefile reader:
|WARN |SHAPE Reader: Dataset `D:/FME_TEMP/Strategi - jan 2013.zip_1367490110324_26520/STRATEGI_README.TXT' lacks the required extension `shp'
|INFORM|Merged 0 schema features read from 1 datasets into 0 resulting feature types
|INFORM|Opened mapping File D:\\FME_TEMP\\FME_1367490109473_18168.fmw for output
|INFORM|Mapping File Generation was SUCCESSFUL
|INFORM|FME Session Duration: 4.2 seconds. (CPU: 2.1s user, 0.6s system)
|INFORM|END - ProcessID: 26520, peak process memory usage: 40580 kB, current process memory usage: 40212 kB
Mapping File Generation was SUCCESSFUL
If I try it from a generic reader that is already in the project (and has been set to with the "input Format" as SHAPE I get: 2013-05-02 11:26:09| 3.8| 0.1|ERROR |SHAPE Reader: Dataset `D:\\FME_TEMP\\Strategi - jan 2013.zip_1367490365305_30088\\STRATEGI_README.TXT' lacks the required extension `shp'
2013-05-02 11:26:09| 3.8| 0.0|ERROR |Error opening the SHAPE Reader on dataset `D:\\FME_TEMP\\Strategi - jan 2013.zip_1367490365305_30088\\STRATEGI_README.TXT'
2013-05-02 11:26:09| 3.8| 0.0|INFORM|Closing the GENERIC Reader
2013-05-02 11:26:09| 3.8| 0.0|ERROR |Fatal error encountered. (See the logfile messages.)
If I turn off the input format and set it back to "GENERIC", it reads one text file out of it.
Either way, it seems to be failing quite badly.
Am I doing something wrong, or can the zip reader not walk through directories within a zip file?