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I am using the SQLExecutor to INSERT records into an Oracle table. I then want to find how many records are inserted. With PL/SQL I can write:





 insert into feature_test_error(id) values(999);







...but the SQLExecutor does not return this as a SELECT statement. Is there a way to get the number rows inserted from the Result port of the SQLExecutor in the same SQLExecutor?








You need to use the RETURNING INTO-clause:



You can then expose the returned attribute name.



I think you would use RETURNING INTO in a stored procedure, would you not? Something like:





  numberRecords NUMBER := 0;     




   UPDATE feature_test_error SET error_type='LABELTEXT' where id in ('1588919', '1588934')


   returning count(*) into numberRecords;





However, this is not a stored procedure but rather some SQL inside of an SQLExecutor and the variable numberRecords does not have a value that you would get in a SELECT statement.



If there is no PL/SQL that works in the SQLExecutor, it would be great if FME could return the number of records UPDATEd or DELETEd in the SQLExecutor.



Another thought. I think it's also possible to get the number of records before and after inserting with two select statements. e.g.






select count(*) as num from my_table;


<the insert statement ending with a semi-colon>


select count(*) as num from my_table;




The SQLExecutor will output two features containing the number of records before/after inserting. You can then calculate the number of inserted records using those features.



This might work for an INSERT statement, but what about an UPDATE statement? You would just be guessing if you said



select count(*) as num from my_table


where id in(123, 456, 789);


update my_table set error_type='LABELTEXT' where id in (123,456,789);



Depending on your WHERE clause, the actual number of records updated might different than the "select count(*) " statement selected.



As I said, it would be great if the SQLExecutor could tell you how many records were INSERTED, UPDATED, or DELETED.
