I'm trying to make a workspace that wil compare 2 folders of 2d DWG files using the match transformer and will output a DWF file for each pair of DWG's that share the same name. My goal is to deliver a dwf that shows the changes between two revisions of files hense the two folders.
The workspace works as expected on individual files, but when I try to run it from two directories it compares all the files from each at once. When I try to run it using the batch command I can only specify one of the source folders and then it compares all files int he second folder against the sequence of files in the first folder.
How do I tell the transformer to only compare files from the source folders that have matching names.
Also how do I set the dwf writer to write a file per named dwg pair?
I would prefer to be able to generate a dwf per dwg set via the workslpace as I'd like to push this up to the Server so teams could simply give it two folders vs having to make this a batch command.
Any help would be great.