
Latitude Longitude Conversion

  • 28 October 2019
  • 2 replies

I have X and Y coordinate in a csv file and i want to change the coordinate system to LL84. Is there any way to convert these number ?? Any help will be much appreciated.


2 replies

Userlevel 4

Have a look at the CsmapAttributeReprojector to convert attribute values directly to LL84.

Alternatively first create geometries out of the X/Y values (either in the CSV reader or using the VertexCreator) and then using the CsmapReprojector or any of the other "specialty" reprojection transformers.

Userlevel 3
Badge +18

Not sure if you can do it directly on the attributes, but for sure you can:

  1. Make vertices from your CSV with VertexCreator
  2. Use the Reprojector transformer to transform your data from original to new projection
  3. Get the new coordinats as attributes if you want with the CoordinateExtractor
