This environment variable allows a developer to attach to the FME session to debug. In FME 2016, the workbench starts and I can debug or not debug the session. Now in FME 2017, the workbench never starts. Why?
The answer from our Developer...
"The reason it's not opening in FME 2017 is because Java is waiting for a debugger to attach to it. Java is used in the backend for doing our named connections in FME 2017, which loads early when launching FME. In FME 2016, the named connection framework in FME was probably not as intertwined as it is in 2017, so Java loading was not required.
In summary, Java is used in a fairly important way now in FME 2017. Setting `FME_JVM_DEBUG_PORT` is for debugging Java code as described in `FME/pluginbuilder/samples/doc/FMEPlugInSDK_Java.pdf`. Do not set that variable unless you're actually debugging Java code and want to attach a Java debugger. "
So you'll need to remove or rename the environment variable if you don't plan to attach a debugger to FME. If you attach the Debugger the workbench will start up.