Hi Hugh,
The Clipper or the LineOnAreaOverlayer might help you.
... and see also the LengthCalculator to calculate the length of lines.
Hey Takashi,
The clipper worked a treat...cheers.
I have a second related query...I want my clippers to arrive before my clippees, but my clippees are read in to FME via an sql creator, and my clippers via a postgis reader. my clipper data is the first dataset read in, but still my sql creator and clippees are being read first. How can i delay the sql creator until after my clipper reader has finished reading its data?
Unfortunately you cannot control the processing order of the reader and the SQLCreator.
As a workaround, however, you can use a combination of Creator + SQLExecutor, instead of the SQLCreator.
If you set "yes" to the "Create At End" parameter of the Creator, it creates a feature after the reader has finished reading features. Then, the SQLExecutor works after receiving the initiator feature that was created by the Creator.
Alternatively the FeatureHolder can also be a solution. If you insert a FeatureHolder between the SQLCreator and the Clipper's Clippee port, it will hold the clippees until all clippers arrival.
But it consumes memory to hold the clippee features. So I think the Creator + SQLExecotor is better, especially in the case where there are many clippees.
Hey Takashi,
The creator / sqlexecutor combination worked a treat...love it.
Really appreciate your help...fantasic tip!