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Hello everyone,


I've a quite simple workflow but I'm stuck with error '500'. I'm trying to link polygons from hosted feature layer A (ArcGIS Portal) with attributes from a CSV file and write them into another hosted feature layer B (empty, with same schema than CSV file). The writer is configured to truncate and insert all polygons & attributes.


I guess that this error is coming from the lack of unique ID for the new inserted polygons, since this field cannot be modified (see below) :


ArcGIS Portal Feature Service Writer: Attribute 'objectid' on feature type 'Master_nutrition' is marked as read-only in the corresponding layer/table. Attribute values will be ignored.

NB: same for "globalid, shape_length, shape_area"


Similarly, I've a more complex workspace involving a "many-to-many" FeatureJoiner, with the same error. The solution is probably similar.


I'm not sure how I should handle ObjectID or GlobalID for it to work properly ? Or should it be configured on the hosted feature layer side (editing is already enabled) ?


Thank you for your support.





Hey @arnaud.leidgens​, if possible would you be able to share a copy of the full log file with us? There may be other errors or messages in the log that indicate what's going on here.


As long as your schema matches the existing schema of the feature service, then it should run okay. You can try removing the objectid, globalid, shape_length, and shape_area attributes before you write them out with the Portal Feature Service Writer, although FME should already account for this. If you're receiving a 500 error it could be that you don't have permissions to perform the task (truncating the table).


As a side note, some users have found that changing the Features Per Request parameter to 100 can resolve the issue you're seeing.

Hey danminneyatsafe,


Thank you for your answer. Here is the log. I tried removing those fields and changing the "feature per request" parameter to 100 but I still got error 500, transaction failed, 0 written features.


Thanks for your support.

I fixed the issue. FME is handling all IDs, shape_length, etc. very well by itself.

The problem was elsewhere, a few string characters in a numeric field, in a csv file.
