Hi all,
I am currently creating Voronoi polygons (using the VoronoiDiagrammer) and I can use the Clipper to cut the polygons created using polygons from another layer (Layer .
Is there a way to constrain the created Voronoi polygons to this other polygon layer before clipping? i.e. All information in the points used to create the Voronoi polygons, should stay within the bounds of the polygons of Layer B which they are contained in.
Many thanks.
Edit: Please see diagram added below as a sample. I would like the create Voronoi polygons from the purple points only to the edge of the green polygons.
- SpatialFilter to remove polygons with no points within them.
- Clone & Offsetter (x2) to ensure there are at least 3 points in every polygon.
- PoinOnAreaOverlayer to insert foreign key to the points from the PK of the polygons.
- VoronoiDiagrammer with Group By parameter set to the foreign key field.
- Dissolver to remove the small triangles.
- Clipper to clip back to to original polygons.
Where polygons originally contained only one point from Layer B, the VoronoiDiagrammer outputs only the tiny triangles I created using the Cloner & Offsetter and not to extent of the Layer A polygon.