Currently I am using FME 2015 and a project I have completed reads a xml and writes the data it sends to a database and then sends a email saying weather it worked or did not work. I am using two workbenches with a workplace runner because I have to know if it wrote or did not write to the database table. I know using FME 2015 i either had to use the workplace runner or a python shutdown script.
But in FME 2016 the feature writer has a output. I was wondering if I could somehow use that to my advantage and use that output features in someway to pass the data along so i did not have to use a workplace runner and two transformers or a python shutdown script to know if it wrote to the database or not and then send a email based on success or failure. This is being done in FME desktop not FME server so I cannot take advantage of the server emailing ability.