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problems with arcs from dwg


I have a close polyline in dwg and some lines inside this polyline. the polyline contains arcs too. with these 2 I create small areas in fme.

now the problem:

when i create these areas the boundary where the arc part of exterior polyline is different from

the boundary of smaller areas.

is this a bug in fme? cause it doesn’t make sense to create parts of the same arc that are not colinear with the arc that the part was extracted.

or is there a setting that i have to set? ive notice that the arcs has different description in inspector window

for the new created areas it says “IFMEArc: Arc By Center Point With Ends”

and the other shape it says IFMEArc: Arc By Bulge.



Pink area was generated and overlaps the exterior boundary (blue line) area. that should not happen

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