
Hi, I get an error message because of a permission. Had anyone a similar error?

Error executing SQL command ('TRUNCATE TABLE "quali"."wa_hydrant"'): 'ERROR: permission denied for table wa_hydrant


Error truncating table 'quali.wa_hydrant'. Assuming table exists and attempting to append

Error executing SQL command ('COPY "quali"."wa_hydrant" ("gis_id", "gesellschaft_bd", "gemeinde", "standortwerk", "_rbe", "_fehler_nr", "_fehler", "_pruefdatum", "_fme_prozess", "_temptext1", "_temptext2", "_temptext3", "_temptext4", "_temptext5", "_temptext6", "_temp_num1", "_temp_num2", "_temp_num3", "_temp_num4", "_temp_num5", "_temp_num6", "fstatus_id", "geom_pt") FROM STDIN USING DELIMITERS ':' WITH NULL AS 'NULL''): 'ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block


POSTGIS writer: A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

NullAttributeMapper_OUTPUT_-1_337_Player (RecorderFactory): POSTGIS writer: A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

Successfully closed POSTGIS database writer

3 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +17

Hi @sknaps​ thanks for your question! What version and build number of FME are you using? Are you able to write to the table without truncating as a test? (i.e. use existing?)

This does look like a permissions issue, any additional information you could provide would be helpful!

Hi @ EvieAtSafe

I use "FME Workbench 2021.1.1" I succesfully tested writing and truncating the table with pGAdmin.

In FMEwriting works, just truncating creates an error.

Problem is solved. It was an internal database permission problem.


