
How to use the FME custom transformer PDF2TextReader in combination with the pdftotext application(v. 4.04) from XpdfReader

  • 17 September 2022
  • 2 replies

I like to use the PDF2TextReader_custom transformer to convert pdf files to text files in FME 2022. I downloaded the pdftotext application(v. 4.04) from XpdfReader and followed the installation instructions. Trying to run the transformer it gives the error 'Error opening pdf file'. Using the command-line executor of windows I'm able to convert the pdf to text(including a xpdfrc-configuration file in the same directory as the pdftotext-file, as advised by XpdfReader). My question, what can be wrong when I use the FME-transformer?

2 replies

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Hi @leentreuren, just to note, the PDF2TextReader is a custom transformer from the FMEHub that has been published by another FME user. It would be good to check if you are using the correct reader parameters as the error is in opening the pdf file. Please feel free to share a copy of your workspace as well.

Hi Jenna, thanks for the reply. I tried several options in the parameter-settings of the transformer and other locations of my pdf-files to convert to text-files, but no success. In the attachments my workbench and the parameter-settings of the transformer. As I mentioned before, in command line-mode I'm able to do the conversion, so the pdftotext-tool is working properly in my opinion. May be you can find out something else what could crash the transfomer-process?
