
is there any kind of documentation for using the azure event grid subscriber?

  • 7 November 2019
  • 1 reply



I'm trying to use the azure event grid subscriber but the actual documentation doesn't specify how to send dynamic key/value:

Idealy, I would hope we could parse some sort of "subscriber_content" through the TOPIC but we never managed to get anything working. We only succeeded in sending hard coded key/values.

I would expect a list of keywords like in other subscribers but none are documented.

Any idea?

1 reply

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Hi @jpvo



Are you looking to send the key/values through the event data?


What kind of dynamic key/value pairs would you be looking to create?


Are you using Automations or Notifications?



I had a look in automations and it seems like you can't use the text editor to pass values through, like you can in the other fields.



If you're using notifications, I'm wondering is if you format the JSON correctly that gets posted to the Azure Event Grid it will override the subscriber settings, like you can with email (see the bottom of this:




I wonder if you send JSON with the




"EVENT_GRID_DATA" : { "key1" : "value1", "key2": "value2"}





whether that would work. (Note, I haven't tested this)


Let me know if it works - if not I'll chat to development and see if there is any way to do this.
