
Updating features through ArcGIS Portal Feature Service fails

  • 7 October 2021
  • 9 replies

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I'm using the ArcGIS Portal Feature Service writer to do some inserts, updates and deletes on two feature services, one with line and one with points. The inserts and deletes works for both featureservices, but update on lines fails with the following error (operation rolled back for all of the features):


ArcGIS Portal Feature Service Writer: Encountered an unexpected error. The error code from the server was '400' and the message was: 'Unable to complete operation.'. Details: 'Operation rolled back., Operation rolled back....


There are about 2000 features I need to update, so my best guess is that the jsonobject for update is too large. The update works fine with up to 200 features. What would be the best alternative for updating the line feature service? One way might be to create some kind of loop to update 200 lines at a time, but how?

9 replies

Userlevel 3
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Hi @torbjornd​,

The ArcGIS Portal Feature Service Writer has a Parameter under the Advanced drop-down tab called Features Per Request. By default, this is set to 1000, which may be causing the issue here. Perhaps you could try setting this to a higher number (over 2000 in this case) and see if you are still run into the same issues.


Let me know how that goes.

Badge +2

Hi @torbjornd​,

The ArcGIS Portal Feature Service Writer has a Parameter under the Advanced drop-down tab called Features Per Request. By default, this is set to 1000, which may be causing the issue here. Perhaps you could try setting this to a higher number (over 2000 in this case) and see if you are still run into the same issues.


Let me know how that goes.

Hi @danatsafe​ . Thank you for the reply. I've tried different values for this parameter and right now it's set at 2500. It's still the same issue no matter what value I set.

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Hi @danatsafe​ . Thank you for the reply. I've tried different values for this parameter and right now it's set at 2500. It's still the same issue no matter what value I set.


Would you be able to provide a workspace and the source data? This way I can take a better look at the data coming into the writers and reproduce the error on my end.


If you're not comfortable sharing your files here, then please submit a case with your files attached.



Badge +1

I have the exact same issue. were you available to fix it @torbjornd​ ?

Badge +2

Hi there, did you find a solution to this problem?

I've been working through a similar issue, and I've found that FME seems to struggle updating features that have Arc Geometries? Have you any Arc Geometries in your data (either in the updates or in the db you are updating?)

Userlevel 3
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Hi there, did you find a solution to this problem?

I've been working through a similar issue, and I've found that FME seems to struggle updating features that have Arc Geometries? Have you any Arc Geometries in your data (either in the updates or in the db you are updating?)

Hi @mlufkin​ if you're using the ArcGIS Portal Reader/Writer, this does not support Arc Geometries, only lines. Are you able to confirm what type of geometry you're working with in your ArcGIS Portal? A sample of your data in the file geodatabase format would be useful to help us reproduce the issue.


Additionally, do you get any errors in your translation log when you try to run your workspace? If so, would you be able to share your log file with us?

Did anybody solve this issue?

I tried to adjust the value for the Features Per Request, still I run into the same issues. We have polylines and points in our SDE


Userlevel 3
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Did anybody solve this issue?

I tried to adjust the value for the Features Per Request, still I run into the same issues. We have polylines and points in our SDE


Hi @bbvector​ sorry to hear you're running into this issue. Are you able to provide more details on your datasets and your workspace?

  • Are you also writing to ArcGIS Portal? If so, what version of Portal are you using?
  • How many features are you writing? Are you doing updates or just inserting features?
  • Are you inserting/updating the geometry (lines & points) or just the attribute values?
  • If you're able to share a subset or sample of your data as well as your workspace that would be very helpful too for troubleshooting the issue. Once we can reproduce the issue on our end we can investigate the cause and create a fix for it.

Hi @bbvector​ sorry to hear you're running into this issue. Are you able to provide more details on your datasets and your workspace?

  • Are you also writing to ArcGIS Portal? If so, what version of Portal are you using?
  • How many features are you writing? Are you doing updates or just inserting features?
  • Are you inserting/updating the geometry (lines & points) or just the attribute values?
  • If you're able to share a subset or sample of your data as well as your workspace that would be very helpful too for troubleshooting the issue. Once we can reproduce the issue on our end we can investigate the cause and create a fix for it.

Hi @danminneyatsaf​,

When testing it with our whole database, The error code from the server was '400' and the message was: 'Unable to complete operation.'. Details: 'Operation rolled back., Operation rolled back....

We tested it with single features and we finally received an error to work with: "ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Encountered an unexpected error. The error code from the server was '400' and the message was: ''. Details: 'Field WORKDESC has invalid html content.'"

Consequently, "<>" Strings in our Text fields lead to the issues. After cleaning these fields it worked as expected. We did use the Update function in the settings of the writer (lines & points approximately 10-40k features depending on the database, using ArcGIS Portal 11.2.0).


Maybe it is helpful and will solve issues for others:

