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I'm using HTTP Caller for geocoding adresses, but somehow I'm getting randomly lot of 400 responses - e.g. 2 of 12 calls are succesfull. If I copy paste the URL from error log to browser I'll get the result correctly.

I'll share the worspace template temporarily including the API key of Geoapify. I don't know why I'm getting 400 (bad request).

You need to manually URL-encode the values when concatenating them with the base URL, especially when using extended characters (accents, etc):

imageAlternatively, the HTTPCaller can do it for you automatically if you use the query string setting rather than manually concatenating the base URL:


You need to manually URL-encode the values when concatenating them with the base URL, especially when using extended characters (accents, etc):

imageAlternatively, the HTTPCaller can do it for you automatically if you use the query string setting rather than manually concatenating the base URL:


Great, exploding the parameters from URL request to Query String Parameters did the job and is probably more clear for later inspection. Thanks
