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I need daily weather data. I am using the API provided by the Dutch weather bureau (KNMI) in the httpcaller. The response contains a few lines of description before I get the data:



# Opmerking: door stationsverplaatsingen en veranderingen in waarneemmethodieken zijn deze tijdreeksen van uurwaarden mogelijk inhomogeen! Dat betekent dat deze reeks van gemeten waarden niet geschikt is voor trendanalyse. Voor studies naar klimaatverandering verwijzen we naar de gehomogeniseerde reeks maandtemperaturen van De Bilt <> of de Centraal Nederland Temperatuur <>.



# STN LON(east) LAT(north) ALT(m) NAME

# 278: 6.259 52.435 3.60 HEINO


# YYYYMMDD = datum (YYYY=jaar,MM=maand,DD=dag);

# HH = tijd (HH=uur, UT.12 UT=13 MET, 14 MEZT. Uurvak 05 loopt van 04.00 UT tot 5.00 UT;

# RH = Uursom van de neerslag (in 0.1 mm) (-1 voor <0.05 mm);




278,20200101, 1, 0

278,20200101, 2, 0

278,20200101, 3, 0

278,20200101, 4, 0

278,20200101, 5, 0

278,20200101, 6, 0

278,20200101, 7, 0


I tried the stringreplacer, but that doesn't work (it doesn't replace the text for some reason). if I save to file and use a csv_reader I can'te get it to put the data in (the right) columns.



How do I get the data into columns?





There are several possibilities, one is using a AttributeSplitter on carriage return and a ListExploder to convert each line ento separate features. You can then e.g. use a Tester to remove lines starting with a #.

For how to extract the actual data, there are some suggestions here:

A simpler alternative would be to use another AttributeSplitter on a "," and rename the resulting list elements, e.g.

_list{0} => "AttributeA"

_list{1} => "AttributeB"


Thank you for your quick reply. I solved it.
